The "Flea" Market
~Walkin' The Dog
~The Cat's Meow
~The Fish Bowl
~For The Birds
~The Snake Pit
~The Rat Race
When it comes to fleas, we can be glad that we live in modern
times. Down through the ages, fleas have bugged pets and people
most unmercifully. Fleas are terrible pests, and our great-great-
grandparents tried very hard to get rid of them. Their methods, however,
were not that successful compared to those we have available to us now.
For example, most people tend to think of lapdogs as the pampered, idle rich of the
dog world. In earlier times, lapdogs actually had an important
job. Some historians think it was to attract fleas off their owners and
onto themselves.
Today, thankfully, there are better ways to get rid of fleas.
Your veterinarian can recommend ways to alleviate your flea problem.
Fleas are not just irritating, they can cause health problems
for your pet, particularly if he or she is allergic to them. One common
problem resulting from fleas is pets chewing on their skin and causing "hot spots".
These can become open sores, attracting bacteria and becoming infected.
Why have fleas always been such a pain? Years ago, houses weren't as
dry or cleaned as often and certain types of fleas were simply more common.
Today, despite our improved ways of fighting fleas, they can still be hard
to get rid of if they get a toehold in your household. Fleas are very small and
hard to see, and they are very resourceful little bugs. A single female can lay
dozens of eggs in just one day, and thousands in her lifetime. Flea eggs can lay
dormant in carpets and pet bedding for long periods of time, waiting for the right
moment to hatch.
For these reasons, fleas are often the most irritating problem facing pet owners.
This is also why flea-control is a billion dollar business. There are a confusing
array of products available today to control fleas, but not all of them work the same
or as well. That's why you should talk to your veterinarian if you think you have a
flea problem or just want to make sure you never get one. Your veterinarian can suggest
products that will solve your problem.
The best products on the market can be obtained through your veterinarian. The most
effective products are the ones that don't require fleas to bite a pet first before
killing them. These products will kill nearly 100% of adult fleas within 24 hours of
application. No adult fleas mean no flea eggs! These products should be used 8 to 12 months
a year to prevent your pet and home from becoming infested. Ask your veterinarian for the
best product to suit your pet.
These treatments are extremely important if your pet suffers from an allergy to fleas. This
type of allergy will show up as skin irratation, or hot spots. If you think your pet as this allergy,
contact your veterinarian about a new product that actually reduces and can
almost eliminate this problem in your pet.
Part of the normal routine for a
healthy dog is regular exercise,
which along with a good diet, is
essential in keeping your dog happy
and healthy.
A clean, shiny coat is a sign of good health and proper nutrition.
Cats are naturally clean animals so your cat may need very little
grooming. Long haired cats need to be groomed regularly
- preferably once a day - so it is best to get the cat
used to this when it is a kitten. If you can get your cat or kitten
used to being groomed, then regular grooming of your cat can be
enjoyable for both you and the cat. If the cat or kitten gets nervous
when you attempt grooming, spend
some time playing until it is comfortable with you
touching it. Let your cat play with the comb or brush before
you attempt grooming.
Choosing the right location for your aquarium is very important.
Basic points to remember are:
Electrical supply - you should position your tank near an electrical
socket to accommodate any electrical hardware.
1. Internal filtration:
2. Undergravel filtration:
3. Reverse flow filtration:
4. External filtration:
Airpumps put additional
oxygen into the water. Fish need
to breathe and the water therefore
needs to be oxygen-rich. When air is
pumped into the tank it puts
oxygen into the water. More importantly, the rising bubbles
create movement which circulates the oxygen-rich water at
the surface around the rest of the tank, which also increases
the oxygen in the water. An airstone can be used to make this more
effective and attractive.
A pet bird can be a wonderful addition to your family. However, there is a
lot a new bird owner must know in order to keep a bird healthy and develop a loving
and trusting relationship.
Toxic Foods
Snakes have various needs that must be met in order to keep it in
good health in captivity. The following are some factors that are
important to the well-being of your snake.
Parasites and Disease
Walkin' The Dog
All dogs love and need daily exercise - the
amount your dog needs will depend on his size and his
breed. Some smaller breeds can have lots of
energy; whereas some larger breeds are not always as energetic. Puppies
will get enough exercise through his natural playfulness,
but as he grows up he must be taken for regular walks. Don't
take your dog out until he has had all of his
vaccinations and been given a clean bill of health from your
Your dog must be kept on a leash whenever you are near a street or
wherever he is likely to cause a nuisance (most cities have leash laws requiring
dogs be on a leash).
Both you and your dog will be much happier if it is well trained.
Remember, not everyone is as fond of dogs as you are and you
must respect their feelings and keep your dog under control at all times. Part of your walk
should be over hard surfaces (concrete, asphalt) as this will help to keep
his nails short.
If your dog is young and still growing,don't make the mistake of
overexercising your dog as the bones are not
yet strong enough to cope with the extra stress of rigorous excercise.
Regular and varied walks are not
just essential in keeping your dog fit - they also provide the
opportunity for your dog to experience new
stimuli, including meeting other dogs. This will help them to
develop into a contented and well adjusted pet. All exercise should be supervised - never
allow your dog to stray
and never let your dog out during the day to fend for itself.
Remember that a good walk or run every day will keep him
in good shape and will help to avoid the
problems of obesity.
As your dog ages, he will tire out more easily. His
joints may stiffen and he will be
subject to muscular aches and pains just like we
humans experience as we get older.
There are a number of drugs available from your veterinarian to improve
your dog's mobility, if necessary.
Older dogs often have poor eyesight and their hearing
and other senses may also be impaired. They
can easily become disorientated and lost if separated from their
owner, so don't let your dog get too far away from you when
out walking.
Although your dog may be less active, it is still very important to
maintain a moderate level of exercise - this helps to improve
his circulation, keeps his joints moving and he will also
receives plenty of fresh air.
Take him for more frequent, shorter. Don't overdue it. When raining,
make sure you dry your dog thoroughly when you get home.
If the ground is icy or if there is salt on the roads, wash and dry
his paws to avoid irritations, which can lead to sores and infections.
Don't take him out for walks when the temperature is
extremely hot or extremely cold. Wait until
the weather is more comfortable, his body may not be
able to handle overly hot or cold conditions.
The Cat's Meow
Remove all the dead hair out of the coat using a soft
bristle brush or comb. Be very gentle when combing the cat's head. Brush
down the body, the tail, and the legs.
With long haired cats and kittens the fur may become tangled or matted.
The matted hair will need to be removed before attempting to
groom. If the matting is severe it may be necessary to have
your cat sedated and then clipped. Always seek expert advice if
this problem occurs.
If your cat is dirty, use a clean damp cloth to wipe the
cat down. Use warm water only.
Grooming your cat gives you a good
opportunity to check its skin for any lumps, rashes,
or other signs that your cat is not well. If you find any
problems your should contact your veterinarian.
The Fish Bowl
Keep your tank away from strong, direct sunlight. This encourages
algae growth which can ruin the appearance of your aquarium.
A tank of water is heavy. If you are using a tank
without a stand specifically manufactured for aquariums, make sure the surface
you choose is flat and strong.
Pick a location that would benefit from the attraction - don't
hide your creation! Choose a place where it will be seen - even
from both sides, maybe as a room divider.
Purchase a good quality glass aquarium with hood. The hood should have a 'condensation
tray' below the light to prevent condensation reaching the
lighting unit. The basic equipment you will need
is a filter, an airpump and, if you want to keep
marine or tropical fish, a heater thermostat.
The filter is needed to clean the water. Waste, such as
uneaten food and excrement, must be filtered from the water or
they will break down and pollute the aquarium. There are four
basic kinds of filtration:
These filters fit inside the
aquarium. Water is drawn in through the bottom of
the filter and through filter media - usually sponge -
by an electric pump. It is then pumped back into the
water an attached spray bar. Internal
filters are ideal for all sizes of tanks.
With the undergravel filter, the gravel itself
is the filter medium. A special
undergravel filtration plate is placed on the bottom
of the aquarium with an upright pipe fixed to one corner.
The filtration plate is then covered with about 3
inches of gravel. A submersible electric
pump, known as a powerhead, pumps water up the
tube drawing it through the gravel. The gravel filters
the water as it passes through.
This system combines the benefits of both internal
filtration and undergravel filtration. An internal filter
is connected to the uplift tube on an undergravel
filtration system. The water is filtered by the internal
filter then pumped down the uplift tube and
filtered again by the gravel.
External filters are outside of the tank. The water is
drawn from the aquarium and filtered through one or
more filtration media before being pumped back into
the aquarium.
A heater thermostat is used to warm the water. Tropical and
marine fish need to be kept in water at about 25°C - 28°C
(77°F - 82°F). Choose a heater thermostat suitable for the size
of your tank. Your pet store can advise you on the size
you need. You will also need a thermometer to check the
water temperature.
To prepare your water, put your gravel and your rocks into your aquarium before
adding the water. Rinse all gravel before use in clean water.
This is most important as dirty gravel will result in cloudy
water. Boil any rocks or bog-wood before use. It takes
about 2 weeks from filling the tank to the water being in the
right condition to be able to put fish safely into the aquarium.
Ordinary tap water can be used it must
first be treated to remove the chlorine before fish can be
added. The first step in this process is
to neutralise the chlorine in the water
by adding a neutraliser called a
Just as we need many types of bacteria to help us stay
healthy, fish also need an
environment which contains the right amounts of certain
bacteria which help to break down waste. This increase in
useful bacteria is called 'maturing'. This maturing process can
be speeded up by leaving the heater and airpump running and
adding two or three crumpled flakes of fish food each day to 'feed' the
bacteria that help the maturing process. Once this has been
done it should be safe to introduce the fish after about 14 days.
Every 2 to 3 weeks it is recommended that
you carry out a partial water change. This means siphoning
20% to 30% of the water out of the tank (you don't need to
remove the fish) and replacing it with new water. The new
water can be tap water, but treated with a product such as a
Dechlorinator prior to adding it to the tank. If you have
tropical fish, to avoid distressing them, you should warm the
new water to about 25°C (77°F), and pour it carefully into the
The two main potential problems which can occur in
aquarium water is a build up of nitrite, and an imbalance in the
level of acidity. If left unattended both can stress the fish and
lower their resistance to disease. Both are easily
monitored and controlled with water test or treatment kits,
your pet store can advise.
Fish need living space, do not overstock your tank. As a
general rule allow 24 square inches of surface water area for
each one inch of coldwater fish, and 10 square inches for each
inch of tropical fish (head to tail, but not including the tail fin).
Ideally, you should allow 2 gallons of water per goldfish, and
more once the fish grows more than a few inches long.
Make sure your fish have been properly quarantined before
you buy them. Disease often takes a few weeks to show and a fish not
quarantined can easily introduce diseases which can infect all
your fish. It is also better to add your fish gradually starting off
with only two or three fish of one species, then building up more
over the
months as your tank matures.
If at all possible, buy your fish nearby. Long trips and a drop in
water temperature can stress your fish.
Before you put the fish in the tank
, float the opened plastic bag on the
surface of the tank for about 20 minutes to equalise the water
temperature and reduce the stress on the fish. Fish which are
just introduced into a new tank may be nervous and hide.
Leave them alone for a few hours to get used to their new
home. After that, you can give them a few fish
For The Birds
An all seed diet is not recommended. Birds have starved to
death when their owners
thought they had a bowl full of seeds. Pet parrots crack the seeds
and eat the inside portion. The hulls often remain in the
bowl giving the appearance that the bird has plenty of
food when actually there are no seeds left at all. Replace your bird's
food every day.
Seeds are a very poor source of nutrition. They lack calcium,
protein and many other vitamins and minerals which birds
need. Seeds and nuts are also high in fat, which can lead to
liver disease. While birds do eat seeds in the wild, they also
supplement their diet with many other foods - nuts,
berries, fruit, bugs, etc. Like humans, birds require a balanced
diet to stay healthy. Birds enjoy vegatables, fruits,
sprouts, grains, pasta, and even cooked meat like chicken. Pellets
are also a good source of nutrients. Many experts recommend that
pellets should be no more than 50% of the diet, while others
feed a higher percentage. Seeds and nuts can be given as treats.
Some foods that are safe for humans, are deadly to
birds. These include such items as avocados,alcohol, chocolate,
caffeine, lima beans, raw kidney and cigarette smoke
and pesticides in fruits and vegetables.
You don't need to use Grit. Most birds don't need grit and can even
get an impacted crop from it. Grit is only recommended for
birds who eat whole seeds - shell and all. Most birds crack
their seeds, leaving the hulls and so have no need for the grit.
Make sure the cage you get for your bird
gives him plenty of room to
spread his wings, jump, climb around, swing and play. Be sure
the bars are not spaced so that a bird can wedge his head between
them and get stuck . Since birds tend to favor the higher parts
of the cage, get one with a large width and depth.
Your bird will be spending many hours in his cage, so the
bigger the cage the better. Be sure to place the cage away from drafts or
doors that lead to the outside. Temperature should not
go below 55 degrees.
Birds spend lots of time on their perches. They
need perches of different diameters to prevent foot problems
such as atrophy and arthritis. Tree branches are very good for
the feet and also help satisfy the chewing urge. Perches made from dowels are
uniform and don't exercise feet. A cement perch can help keep nails trimmed.
Put a wooden perch high in the cage. Make sure perches aren't over water or food bowls
or other perches so droppings
don't hit them. You can use multiple perches, but be sure to leave room for birds
to move around in the cage.
One of the most important things in
creating a successful relationship with your
bird is the ability to understand his body
language and vocalizations. Birds learn to communicate through sounds,
behavior and actions. By using these they can tell
us when they are happy, frightened, hungry, angry, tired, sick, or ready to be held and
cuddled. It is extremely important that bird owners learn to
interpret the meanings of their birds sounds and behaviors in
order to successfully tame, train, and provide them with the
very best care.
Birds are very intelligent and social creatures who
need love and attention. Although the amount of attention
varies by species, a bird who is ignored or bored can go crazy,
plucking his feathers or even mutilating himself. Keep your bird in
a location where there is family activity, but be sure he has a quiet
place to sleep in at night. Talk to your bird. If
you work, leave the radio or TV on when you are not there.
Take him out to play every day. Be sure he has
lots of toys to play with in his cage. Give
your bird lots of love and affection.
If your bird accidentally loses
some feathers, don't panic. They'll grow back. Bird also molt.
It is their way of replacing worn feathers. Different species
molt at different times and lose different amounts of feathers.
Feathers will usually grow back in about 2-3 weeks. If you see
bare patches of skin, this could mean disease or feather
plucking. In this case see your veterinarian.
Birds are very different than cats and dogs. Find one
that knows about birds. Take your bird for a
new bird exam to make sure it is healthy.
Find a vet or hospital that you can contact at night or
weekends in an case of emergency. Birds should also have an annual
The Snake Pit
Cages should be of adequate size, properly
ventilated, escape proof and easy to clean. Aquariums with pegboard or screen tops make good
cages, however, snakes may rub their noses raw on wire mesh or
screen. Large cages can be made of wood and pegboard,
Most snakes do not need that much space. Suggested cage sizes
are 1/2 square foot of floor space per foot of snake for those up to six
feet in length and 3/4 square foot of floor space for those six to nine feet
long. Increase the cage size by about 25% for each
additional snake.
Floor covering makes cleaning easier. Paper (including
newspaper), outdoor carpet, and pea gravel are very good. Shredded aspen, a
is also a good for medium and large snakes. Sawdust, kitty litter, soil and sand
are not good. Sand and soil don't dry very well,
and a wet cage can promotes skin diseases. Dust from sawdust or kitty
litter may give you snake pneumonia which is incurable.
Cedar chips are not recommended as they may be toxic to your pet.
Snakes can develop 'Dirty Cage Syndrome' when their cages are not kept clean
and droppings build up. Cages should be cleaned every
week or two with a detergent and a disinfectant. Household cleaners
can be toxic to your snake, pet stores carry products that
will not harm your pet.
Most snakes do very well in a simple cage. You will need to supply a water bowl
and some kind of hiding place. A closed cardboard cereal box with
a hole in a corner works for larger snakes. If the box is too big for the
snake, fill it with loosely wadded newspaper. Tree snakes need a branch to coil around.
Plants, rocks, and other furnishings are optional.
Keeping one snake in each cage is best, particularly if it's a snake eater
like a kingsnake. But if the snakes must be caged together, snakes of the
same species are more likely to get along than snakes of different
A reptile will have the same temperature as its enviroment; it will move
to a warmer spot to heat up and a colder spot to cool off. Most have
an "optimum" body temperature that can be maintained within a few
degrees and id generally between 80 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit.
A temperature variance in
the cage lets the snake decide what temperature it wants to be. A thermometer
is necessary to gauge cage temperature because a snake won't eat if it's more than
a few degrees below it's optimum temperature.
In the wild, snakes have a day/night temperature cycle in the wild. It is
best for a snake to spend the night at a temperature 5 to 20
degrees lower than its daytime temperature.
Snakes are carnivores. They don't eat lettuce, carrots, bread or
similar foods. The diet varies from species to species; check a reference
book, or your veterinarian or pet store to determine what to feed your snake.
Individual snakes may also show preferences. Whenever
possible, the snake's natural food should be offeredgiven. Most adult snakes
should be fed every week or ten days, young snakes
should eat more often. A snake can go for weeks without food if
necessary, but it is better to feed smaller meals more frequently than a
large meal every three weeks.
Mice have been know to bite captive snakes, so a live rat or mouse shouldn't
remain in the cage with the snake for more than an hour. Snakes don't
require live prey, many snakes don't care if their food is alive or
dead, and some will only eat dead food. Frozen food can be used
but make sure it is thoroughly thawed.
If your snake won't eat, it may be too cold in its cage. Or it
may want its food inside a hiding box for seclusion. It may want
something different. If a live adult mouse frightens your snake, try a freshly killed
mouse or a live pinky. Cutting the belly open of a dead mouse produces a
blood smell and a wet area that help to stimulate feeding. Force feeding is
traumatic to your snake and should be used as a last resort.
Snakes can suffer from many ailments - mites and ticks on the skin,
worms in the gut, and protozoa, bacteria, or viruses attacking the mouth,
skin, and internal organs. New specimens should be quarantined for at least two weeks,
and maybe as long as three months, so it can be determined whether or not
they have any parasites or disease. If you are not equipped to treat any diseases that occur, the snake should
be taken to a veterinarian that is experienced in treating reptiles.
Ticks are arthropods that suck blood and carry disease.
You can gently pull them off with forceps, then drop them
in a vial of alcohol. Make sure you get the tick's head out,
leaving the tick's head in the
snake's skin can cause minor infections.
Mites are pinhead-sized, blood sucking arthropods closely related to
ticks. Freshly caught snakes rarely have mites. The common snake mite almost always arrives on a snake from a
pet store or other infested location.
Putting a two inch square piece of a Shell No-Pest Strip
or equivalent (active ingredient = 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate)
in the snake cage over night kills the mites. Put the strip in a cardboard
or plastic container with holes in it. The insecticide can come out, but
the snake can't touch the strip. Don't give the snake water during this treatment. Afterwards,
clean the cage thoroughly. One treatment should be enough if the mite-carrying
snake has just arrived. If the mites aren't detected immediately, they will
spread and the treatment may have to be repeated once a week for a month
to catch them all.
Worm parasites are often present in the gut and most do little harm.
They are found during fecal examinations and can be treated with a commercial
Every 1 - 3 months a snake will shed its skin. The eyes will become cloudy for a
few days, then they will clear, the skin is then shed a few days later.
Most snakes refuse food during this process.
Sometimes not all of the skin is shed. This seldom happens if the
humidity in the cage is kept at the proper level of 40 to 70 percent. Daily misting
with water after the eyes clear will help prevent problems. If some of the
skin remains unshed, the snake should be soaked in a bucket half filled
with water at 70 to 85 degrees Farenheit for about an hour. The old skin can then
be gently peeled off.