Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Tips and Stuff presents your weekly horoscope! Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. Also see your unique traits, lucky numbers, colors, birthstone and much more! Provided to you for entertainment click on your sign and enjoy!
August 09, 1999 through August 15, 1999

(March 21 to April 20)

Symbol: The Ram (Assertive, sexual, able to climb to great heights)
Traits: Courage, natural leadership & a doer.
Ruling Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Body part ruled by Aries: The head.
Dominant Keyword: I AM.
Birthstone: Diamond (Attracts love, financial success, brings luck in new ventures. The diamond is particularly lucky for an Aries when worn on the left side of the body.)
Flowers: Geranium, Honeysuckle & Sweet Pea
Color: Red (The color of fire and excitement)
Lucky Numbers: 1 & 9
Lucky Day: Tuesday

This week's highlights include responsibilities & your ability to take on more than your share. Mental details may be a real challenge to you. You could easily get caught up in minor matters that become more and more complex & demanding as the week goes by. Don't be too concerned with the minor details. Delegate to others you trust. Priority should not be on how things are done, but on completing the tasks at hand. Try your best to stay relaxed during moments of tension. Your sense of humor could go a long way in diffusing tense or uncomfortable situations. Concentration will bring the desired results. You may discover better ways to accomplish your work. A close friend will pick up your spirits. Ideas will fly by, fast and furious. A real breakthrough in the group process may bring you much excitement. Fun and productivity reach high levels. This week-end could prove to be one thrilling ride.

(April 21 to May 20)

Symbol: The Bull (Strong, stubborn, plodding, can be both fierce and gentle.)
Traits: Dependable, creative & emotionally sensitive.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Body part ruled by Taurus: The neck & throat.
Dominant Keyword: I HAVE.
Birthstone: Emerald (Protects against infidelity & deceit, insures loyalty & improves the memory.)
Flowers: Violet, Poppy & Lily of the Valley
Colors: Pale Blue & Mauve (The color of refinement and gentleness.)
Lucky Numbers: 6 & 4
Lucky Day: Friday

This week's highlights include a blend your creativity & your practicality. A creative project could hit a snag. You may have to work hard on the details in order to make your magic happen. In fact, it may take weeks before you've really got it the way you like it. Think of this as a chance to improve, rather than a waste of time and effort. Unusual people will seem to populate your world. They may push your security buttons by bringing you in contact with new ideas and values. Keep an open mind and suspend judgment for the time being. You will benefit from the gentle attention of a sibling, friend or neighbor. Your intuition will help reason overcome aggression. . .

(May 21, 22 to June 21)

Symbol: The Twins (Associated with duality, humanism, versatility and communication.)
Traits: Responsiveness, a great communicator & a true humanitarian.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Body part ruled by Gemini: Hands, arms, shoulders and lungs.
Dominant Keyword: I THINK
Birthstone: Agate (A multicolored precious stone that protects from falsehood & deception & bestows eloquence, especially in declarations of love.)
Flowers: Lily of the Valley, Rose & Lavender
Colors: Yellow Bright & Luminous (the color of novelty.)
Lucky Numbers: 5 & 9
Lucky Day: Wednesday

This week's highlights include your ability to tread water when needed. People who may not have your sense of humor may hold you accountable to your words. You won't gain much by joking with them. Give them the time and respect they deserve. You don't have to respond to petty dictators, just to those who use their power judiciously. Agreements made now may not hold water for very long. For the time being, avoid commitments and gather the pertinent facts. The doors to relationship can open wider if you're ready to make changes. Love needs a broad highway now to flow freely.

(June 22 to July 22)

Symbol: The Crab (Possessing an impenetrable exterior covering soft flesh underneath)
Traits: Loyal, sensitive & family-oriented.
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Body part ruled by Cancer: The breasts & the stomach.
Dominant Keyword: I FEEL.
Birthstone: Moonstone & Pearl (Changes bad fortune into good & discord into harmony. It also brings support from influential
Flowers: Larkspur & Acanthus
Colors: Sea Green & Silver (The colors of the water and the moon)
Lucky Numbers: 3 & 7
Lucky Day: Monday

This week's highlights include emotional stability. You don't have to accept whatever comes your way, but neither should you reject innovation as a matter of course. There's no place like home, but home may be where the action is now, more action than you prefer. Partners may feel unstable; family members may be in a tizzy; everything may feel a little out of place. Just relax, it isn't the end of the world. You have the ability to stay cool when others are upset or unreasonable. You may also have the gift of being able to push others in the direction you want them to go. With such finesse you will overcome any possible resistance to change.

(July 23 to August 22,23)

Symbol: The Lion (Regal, brave, dominating, sometimes insolent. Possessing nobility and pride.)
Traits: Generosity, exhuberance, a born entertainer.
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire
Body part ruled by Leo: Back, spine and the heart.
Dominant Keyword: I WILL.
Birthstone: Ruby (Protects against physical injury & insures faithfulness. It also brings its wearer serenity and peace of mind.)
Flowers: Sunflower, Marigold & Gladiolus
Colors: Gold & Orange (The magnetic colors of the Sun)
Lucky Numbers: 8 & 9
Lucky Day: Sunday

This week's highlights include power, position & your ability to use them to get what your want. Your hair and clothes, do they look right? The key idea is to carefully consider what you could do to be more attractive, effective, and efficient in everything you do. You could use an objective opinion to see the situation more clearly. Ask your partner or a friend for their input. Relationships are the main event. You may have a blowup with a close friend or companion. Avoid these difficulties, by being more open and honest, with your natural gentleness.

(August 23, 24 to September 22,23)

Symbol: The Virgin (Representing purity, modesty, industriousness)
Traits: Consciencious, organized & energetic.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Body part ruled by Virgo: The Nervous System and the intestine.
Dominant Keyword: I ANALYZE.
Birthstone: Sapphire (Brings tranquility of mind & protects against illness & injury especially while traveling.)
Colors: Navy Blue & Gray (Colors of refinement and taste)
Lucky Numbers: 5 & 3
Lucky Day: Wednesday

This week's highlights include your ability to adjust to some new systems. Sometimes you may wish that you could go back to the way things were done in the past. Well, you may get your wish. Something old just might return to your life now. You may get a chance to reconnect with a lost friend, lover, or colleague. Working with others, however, may require that you share your opinions more discretely. If you think before you open your mouth, you'll avoid some potential hassles. You'll feel better if you get productive and have fun at the same time. Adopt a creative attitude and try to turn your work into fun. Try not to get sidetracked by minor details. Keep your eye on the big picture and avoid petty distractions.

(September 23, 24 to October 22,23)

Symbol: The Scales Signifying Balance, Equilibrium, Order, and Justice)
Traits: Charming, diplomatic, easy-going.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Body part ruled by Libra: The Lower back and buttocks. & the kidneys.
Dominant Keyword: I BALANCE.
Birthstone: Opal (Brings financial success, frees its wearer from jealousy & greed & imparts clear insight.)
Flowers: Rose, Cosmos & Hydrangeas
Colors: Blue & Lavender (The colors of romance, refinement and harmony.)
Lucky Numbers: 6 & 9
Lucky Day: Friday

This week's highlights include making the first step towards a new financial partnership. The focus is on your ability to understand the big goal and find ways to get there. The key to your success is to learn exactly what it is you need to cut out. Doubt does not mean no, it means that you have work to do. Fix, adjust, adapt, and change so that all the beauty shines through. Consistency is the secret to success, so set aside the flashy stuff and get down to work. It's all about priorities. You have to know which tasks are most important now. You can show your talent for organization and planning by making the right choices. If you see the challenge as a puzzle, you'll be able to put the pieces together.

(October 23, 24 to November 22)

Symbol: The Scorpion (A secretive, deadly creature that can poison its enemies)
Traits: Idealistic, dedicated & intense.
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Body part ruled by Scorpio: The genitals.
Dominant Keywords: I DESIRE.
Birthstone: Topaz (Releases occult powers & brings serenity of mind. It also protects from illness & enemies.)
Flowers: Chrysanthemum & Rhododendron
Colors: Crimson, Burgundy, Maroon (The colors of passion.)
Lucky Numbers: 2 & 4
Lucky Day: Tuesday

This week's highlights include finances, success & how you can achieve your goals. This week's scenario is highlighted by a showdown on the job. You may need to resolve some inequities so you can become a happy camper once again. You would do well to consult a cool-headed friend whose judgment you value. This will help you to temper your strong emotions with reason. Deal with issues in the present. Bringing up past grievances may not be helpful to you or anyone else. You may not be in a hurry to get out of bed, not because you're sick, but because you'd love to have some time to do exactly what you want to do. Well, even though it's not likely to happen, grab some private time for your own amusement if possible. An old friend or colleague may return into your life. You may need to untie some knotty issues with this person.

(November 23 to December 21, 22)

Symbol: The Archer (Representing directness, high aims, a love of the heavens)
Traits: Optimistic, independent & adventurous.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Body part ruled by Sagittarius: The liver, the hips & the thighs.
Dominant Keyword: I SEE.
Birthstone: Turquoise (Attracts love, protects from harm & gives its wearer the ability to see into the future)
Flowers: Narcissus, Holly & Dandelion
Color: Purple (Color of royalty and the artistic.)
Lucky Numbers: 5 & 7
Lucky Day: Thursday

This week's highlights include a tiyour ability to decrease the tempo of recent happenings. Many details may need to be addressed. You're not a fan of detail but you need to focus your time properly. You could feel frustrated, or even feel personally criticized. Defenseness could push you to go too far, so keep yourself under control. Rather than blow your stack at someone, dig into a demanding task. Do not be dishonest, but you should only communicate when the message will do the most good. That whining you hear in the corner could be coming from an overworked colleague, try to help in any way you possibly can. Be careful about putting too much on your own plate, share the workload with those you trust. You love to take those great leaps, but the timing is not quite right yet. Take baby steps & you'll get to where you want to be.

(December 22, 23 to January 20)

Symbol: The Goat (A surefooted animal able to ascend great heights by taking advantage of every foothold)
Traits: Steadiness, superbly organized and practical.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Body part ruled by Capricorn: The bones, joints & especially the knees.
Dominant Keyword: I USE.
Birthstone: Garnet (Attracts popularity, high esteem & true love.)
Flowers: Carnation & Ivy
Colors: Dark Green & Brown (Classic, comforting colors of the earth and nature.)
Lucky Numbers: 2 & 8
Lucky Day: Saturday

This week's highlights include financial genius & your ability to share your knowledge & expertise to those who count. Comments made by peer may feel like criticism but look past your feelings. Few people are able to get more from a buck than you are. You understand how to use the energy of the team, and this enables you to stretch a dollar with great success. Your ability to make things run efficiently will also be evident to those in authority. Take a look at existing systems and see if they can't be overhauled or modified. You'll be able to suggest small changes or amendments that could produce big savings in the long run.

(January 21 to February 19)

Symbol: The Waterbearer (Dispensing a gift that flows freely & equally to all: Represents creation & the giving of life.)
Traits: Friendly, people-oriented, outgoing.
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Body part ruled by Aquarius: The Circulatory System, shins & ankles.
Dominant Keyword: I KNOW.
Birthstone: Amethyst (Brings faithfulness in love & bestows the gift of prescience.)
Flower: Orchid & Violet
Color: Electric Blue (The color of the sky.)
Lucky Numbers: 1 & 7
Lucky Day: Wednesday

This week's highlights include hard work and your leadership skills. You'll be able to tap into that stream of imagination that is such a strong part of your makeup. The focus will shift to getting down to work and putting your good ideas into practice. Your pride is very strong, and you are the last person who will accept abuse from others. Once you express your feelings, you'll be able to get past the negative stuff. Approach adversity with caution. Once you confront the issues, you'll be able to make yourself comfortable and drink in the joy of existence.

(February 20 to March 20)

Symbol: Two Fishes (Tied to one another & swimming in opposite directions.)
Traits: Compassionate, sensitive & spiritual.
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Body part ruled by Pisces: The feet.
Dominant Keyword: I BELIEVE.
Birthstone: Aquamarine (Magnifies occult powers & brings serenity of mind. Also protects its wearer while traveling on the sea.)
Flowers: Water Lily, White Poppy & Jonquil
Colors: Pale Green & Turquoise (The colors of the ocean.)
Lucky Numbers: 2 & 6
Lucky Day: Friday

This week's highlights include emotions, psychic powers & your ability to use your visions to see past the immediate. You see so much that is invisible to the rest of us. You'll be able to tap into this part of your genius with little effort. Your perspective will allow you to notice the big patterns that often may be lost in the shuffle of day-to-day life. If you can see this exercise as a game, not a matter of life and death, you will succeed. Remember, you may need today's adversaries as allies tomorrow. You need to have patience with peers that need your assistance. The thought that you can make the difference, should keep your temper under control.

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