The best toothpastes are those with the ADA seal and those that contain fluoride. Fluoride is a very important ingredient in preventing tooth decay. Peroxide, baking soda, and whitening ingredients have never been proven to work and are merely marketing ploys. Tartar control toothpastes are effective. This is good news - your periodic dental cleanings will be easier.
Listerine, even though it tastes the worst, is the best and only proven
mouthwash to kill the germs above the gum line. It has been shown to
be the only mouthwash to reduce gingivitis (the earliest form of gum
disease) which is present in a large percentage of the population.
Listerine has a very high alcohol content and prolonged use may have a
role in creating oral cancer. Use sparingly.
The best oral hygiene advice is still twice a day brushing and daily
Peridex and other prescription mouthwashes which contain
chlorhexidene are also highly effective at killing bacteria. Peridex should
be used for severe gingivitis along with other dental therapy monitored
by a dental professional.
Dental Floss:
Glide dental floss is the best. Made out of Goretex, it slides easily between the teeth and doesn't tear.